Search Results

Creating timed events

Timed events, such as meetings or appointments, take place during a specified period of time. You can create timed events in week view ...

Editing events

When you edit an event in Calendar, you can change all information associated with the event, such as its name, location, date, and dur...

Creating all-day events

All-day events are events that take an unspecified amount of time. They don't necessarily take all day and are often used as reminders,...

Searching the site

To find items that contain a search phrase: Click Search (magnifying glass). Type a word or two in the text fie...

Navigating through the calendar

Calendar includes several navigation buttons that make it easy to skip through months or weeks, or return to today's date. ...

Getting more information about an event

In Calendar, week view shows the name, start time, and duration of each event. Month view shows the date each event occurs on, and whether ...

Deleting events

When you delete an event in Calendar, it is permanently deleted and you can't undo the deletion. However, you can create the event agai...

Using the web calendar with iCal

You can subscribe to a web calendar in iCal and configure your iCal calendar to automatically retrieve updates from the web calendar. ...

Switching between week and month views

In Calendar, there are two types of views: week and month. In week view, you see all events scheduled...

Rescheduling events

You can reschedule an event by editing the event, or by dragging the event. For timed events, dragging an event to reschedule it beha...


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